Oakland Mayor Says She’ll Go To Jail To Protect Sanctuary City Policy

Just hours after the Oakland City Council voted unanimously to end any cooperation with agents from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Mayor Libby Schaaf said Wednesday she would go to jail if needed in her opposition to ICE raids.

“It is no surprise that the bully in chief is continuing to try to intimidate our most vulnerable residents,” said Schaaf, referring to President Donald Trump. “We’re very clear that our values are to protect all of our residents regardless of where we come from. We want to protect families, not tear them apart.”

Schaaf’s remarks came on a day when rumors were swirling that ICE planned to launch a series of Bay Area raids — arresting as many as 1,500 illegal aliens — because California has become a Sanctuary State and several communities have adopted Sanctuary City policies.

“We are exercising our legal right to be a Sanctuary City and to protect our residents,” Schaaf told KPIX 5 of her opposition to ICE raids. “The fact that the federal government is suggesting that it is actively retaliating against jurisdictions that are exercising their right to have sanctuary policies — that is what is illegal.”

Policies - Schaaf

When asked if she were willing to go to jail to defend those policies, Schaaf answered emphatically “Yes!”

Schaaf said the reports of pending raids have escalated fears among the local immigrant community. Schaaf stressed that police won’t help ICE officials or agents if they conduct raids in her city.

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“The level of fear and anxiety in this community is at unconscionable levels,” she said. “The important thing for people to know is that we have a 24/7 rapid response hotline which is partially funded by the city, the county and philanthropy. We are here to protect our residents.”

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