BREAKING: He Did It! Obama Has Officially Been Banned!

For too long, the global elites have been doing their best to water down American culture by pushing mass illegal immigration and Muslim refugees into our country

The globalists know that to break America, they need to destroy our infrastructure which is our way of life and cultural identity. For decades, this has been happening under the guise of multi-culturalism and diversity, liberal buzzwords that sound better then what they honestly mean.
Their sinister plan was working well for years, and then was kicked into high gear after Barack Obama, a globalist puppet was elected in 2008. Obama was able to fundamentally transform America by changing the narrative of and brainwashing millions of young millennials into believing white America was the cause of evil in the world. Obama then flooded our borders with illegal immigrants and worked with the United Nations to bring in thousands of Muslim migrants into our country that had no plans to assimilate into our culture.
Now, after years of witnessing our country’s culture being shredded apart, the American people have said enough is enough and is pushing back against this divisive rhetoric.Image result for obama
For years, leftists have allowed Muslims to pour into our country unvetted and unchecked under the guise of multi-culturalism, despite the public outcry for it to end. Though what made the situation even worse, is that these virtue signaling liberals would call us all racists for not wanting to allow potential terrorists in America.
So, one man decided to make his voice heard on the situation by posting a sign on his business that will have liberals screeching.
A New Mexico store has sparked outrage earlier this year, after posting a sign the window banning Barack Obama and Muslims. The sign was found on the window of Mayhill convenience store, in New Mexico, that is reportedly owned by Kevin Crouch, and this is not his first brush with controversy.
In the past, Crouch reportedly has posted signs in support of the KKK, mocked Bill and Hillary Clinton, and has even sold Barack Obama toilet paper. (Oh, the humanity)
One former store employee Marlon McWilliams who was interviewed said, “If you go in there and you offend him, you can’t go in there no more. He turns a lot of people away.”
Mr. McWilliams said the signs were offensive and he no longer visits the store, which is his right to so.
The shop is currently for sale for $359,000.
“I wish somebody would buy it,” said Mr. McWilliams. “I really do, because it would be a great asset for somebody to be there to run it. Because that’s the only place you can go to get milk and bread.”
KOB reported that police have not yet opened an investigation into the store as no one has made a complaint, but that has not stopped CAIR, the Council of American-Islamic relations is the largest Muslim civil rights organization in the country from filing a complaint.
 convenience store in southern New Mexico has been under fire for posting anti-Obama and anti-Muslim signs on its storefront window. Now, an advocacy group has filed a complaint because of the store’s denial of service to Muslims.
In the little mountain town of Mayhill sits the Mayhill Store. From the road, the store may look like any other, but if you take a closer look you may be shocked at what you see.
A series of racist and offensive signs cover the store’s front windows.
“A few months ago it came to our attention that a store in New Mexico was carrying signage that was attempting to deny Muslims service and that is illegal,” said Gadeir Abbas, CAIR senior litigation attorney.
CAIR, the Council of American-Islamic relations is the largest Muslim civil rights organization in the country.
Now, the group has filed a civil rights complaint with the state’s Department of Workforce Solutions against the convenience store.
“We want to make it very clear that no retail establishment is allowed to exclude Muslim customers from their store. That’s a violation of federal law and we expect him and other store owners to comply with federal law,” Abbas said.
According to a current store employee, they are following the law. The sign on the storefront that once said “Obama and other Muslims are not welcome” has now been changed to “Obama and Marlon McWilliams are not welcome.” McWilliams is a former store employee.
The store employee did not want to go on camera but claims the ACLU told them the signs were all legal under the first amendment.
“He’s an outlier that I hope will realize the error of his ways and take corrective action and if not, we expect the agency and ourselves to fill in those gaps,” Abbas added.
CAIR says the next steps to correct this issue will be taken by local law enforcement and they will be following it closely to ensure everyone is welcome at the establishment.
Whether or not anyone agrees with this sign is neither here or there.
Kevin Crouch has the right to free speech no matter how offensive it is and there is nothing anyone can do about it. As long as Crouch is not calling for violence, he can ban whoever he wants from his store, and CAIR can’t say anything about it. If you do not like what the business is doing, then you stop shopping there and let your boycott do the talking, but if you silence offensive speech the line begins to blur.


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