Should President Trump Be Allowed To Host Bible Study Inside The White House? Many Are Saying That This Is Unconstitutional

Do you think Trump should be allowed to host Bible study sessions in the White House?
Image result for trump praying in oval office
Christianity was quite important in the founding of this nation and hurts NO ONE. So, being historical in this country particularly, it is NOT unconstitutional for Bible classes in the WH. 
After all, it was apparently Constitutional for Bill Clinton to play footsies with a young female aid behind his wife’s back. As that was not unconstitutional, I cannot fathom why Bible classes could be classed as unconstitutional.

Other religions SHOULD not be taught in OUR White House….some other religions s had no bearing on the founding of this country, and some religions are dangerous and should be denied access to anything related to OUR government.
This Nation was founded on Christian Principles. Founding Fathers Prayed together on a regularly. No doubt other administrations have had Bible studies in the White House, as well as prayer time. I don’t think is Unconstitutional at all. Just because these people don’t believe in God, we still do, and we’re proud of that fact. 
You worship the Devil – and you already knew what your final destination will be. Stop with the BS, and climb back into a hole.

Late reports are stating that President Trump has been holding Bible investigation sessions inside the White House, yet many are stating this is illegal.
Christianity was very vital in the establishing of this country and damages NO ONE. Along these lines, being authentic in this nation especially, it isn’t unlawful for Bible classes in the WH.
All things considered, it was clearly Constitutional for Bill Clinton to play footsies with a youthful female guide in the face of his better half’s good faith. As that was not illegal, I can’t comprehend why Bible classes could be classed as unlawful.

Different religions SHOULD not be instructed in OUR White House… .some different religions s made little difference to the establishing of this nation, and a few religions are unsafe and ought to be denied access to anything identified with OUR legislature.


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