World’s Youngest Leader Bans George Soros from Austria: ‘Rothschild Next’

Austria’s new leader Sebastian Kurz, who’s been dubbed “the World’s youngest leader”, has kept his promise to “destroy the New World Order” and has already started by eliminating George Soros.
Kurz has informed Soros that his Open Society Foundation has 28 days to cease and desist operations in Austria for “attempting to undermine the democracy of the nation”, or face legal action.
At 31-years-old, Sebastian Kurz is Austria’s youngest ever leader and after winning the Austrian leadership, he vowed to take down the unelected ruling oligarchy in his nation.
He told colleagues that action must be taken immediately after news broke that George Soros has donated $18 billion of his $24 billion dollar fortune to his Open Society Foundation.
“The situation has become critical,” Kurz said. “Soros has thrown everything he has behind his push for global control. “Misinformation and media manipulation has already increased exponentially overnight.
“We have no room for complacency.”
Kurz, a self-described truther, says he was “truly awoken” by the 9/11 film Loose Change, and has now declared that he can “see right through” the Soros agenda, and that “there no way on Earth he will make Austria one of his victims.”
The “red-pilled” Austrian chancellor is, of course, referring to the number of national economies Soros has crashed in order to gain excessive personal profit and political influence.

Asked why he was banning George Soros’s Open Society Foundations, Kurz said, “Because it’s 2017.
“I have sworn an oath to protect my people from those who threaten our country for their own personal gain. “Those who think they can circumnavigate our democracy must be stopped.”
Soros has recently released 75% of his vast fortune to push his political and social agenda, causing shockwaves around the globe, with many democratically elected leaders expressing fear that the sheer weight of his billions, used to buy politicians and journalists, may make him an almost unstoppable force.
Kurz shares these concerns which is why he has taken fast action. “The specter of Soros is the greatest challenge humanity is facing in the world in 2017.
“He is like a giant leach, sucking blood right from the face of humanity, relentlessly jamming his funnel into anything that smells like money, using this money to corrupt politicians, journalists, and the public sector, and attempting to create the world in his image.
“The people of Austria have rejected the New World Order, and it is my duty and my privilege to uphold their will.” The brave chancellor said that dealing with Soros will send out a warning for others that walk a similar path.
“George Soros is just the first of many. “Let this be a message to those who put their own agenda ahead of what is good for my people. “Today we will deal with Soros.
“Tomorrow: The Rothschilds.” At 31, Kurz is young even by the standards of Europe’s recent youth movement, which saw Macron enter the Elysee Palace at the age of 39 and Christian Lindner, 38, lead Germany’s liberal Free Democrats (FDP) back into the Bundestag.
Kurz and Lindner showed that young new faces can inject dynamism into old establishment parties that have lost their way with voters. Shortly after winning the election, he promised his people to rid Austria of the New World Order, saying:
“I can promise you that I will fight with all my strength and all my commitment for change in this country, and I want to invite you all to come along this path together with me.”

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