Queen Elizabeth Removes Obamas From Royal Wedding Guest List

Queen Elizabeth has personally removed Michelle and Barack Obama from the guest list for Prince Harry’s wedding to Meghan Markle, according to British reports.

Invitations to Royal weddings in England have traditionally been extended to the sitting President of the United States and the current First Lady, so when Queen Elizabeth saw what Michelle Obama was up to – trying to sneak a spot at the wedding at the expense of the real POTUS and FLOTUS – she delivered Michelle a well-deserved and humiliating beatdown.
While Barack Obama has been traveling around the world, operating as some kind of shadow president and attempting to undermine the real POTUS, Michelle has been trying to push her way into every major social event where she doesn’t belong and is apparently not invited.
When Michelle Obama heard the news that Prince Harry was marrying a black American girl, she assumed it was her rightful place to be on that guest list. Michelle made a desperate move to sneak a spot on the guest list, but unfortunately for the former First Lady, the guest list has to be approved by the Queen of England herself.
Timeline of Queen Elizabeth’s brutal Obama smackdown.
As soon as Buckingham Palace announced the news that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle were officially engaged, the opportunistic Obamas saw their chance to edge their way into the elites, like a couple of desperate kids trying to hang with the popular crowd at school. Barack immediately got on social media to beat President Trump to the congratulatory punch. Barack has a lot more time on his hands than the current POTUS who is cleaning up the mess he left behind.
Barack, who had been practically stalking Prince Harry on Twitter in recent weeks, made a post within seconds of the news coming out, which served the purpose of letting the Royals know that he and Michelle were angling for an invitation to the wedding of the year.
The Obamas are experts at playing the crowd for fools, and Barack’s sycophantic post got a whopping one million likes. The Obamas were likely over the moon about this return on their cynical investment, because it meant Prince Harry and the Royal Family were likely to see it and a seat at the high table was surely theirs for the taking.
The exposure of Barack’s post sparked rumors that the Obamas would likely be added to the guest list at the expense of the current president and first lady, London’s Independent reported. But while Barack was busy sending desperate tweets and DMs to secretly get on the coveted guest list, Michelle was doing something worse to shove the Trumps aside and ensure her spot, even though the honor is traditionally reserved for the current president and first lady.
Michelle has been doing the rounds on the speaking tour lately, trying to rack in hundreds of thousands of dollars and trash Trump at the same time. Her recent trip to Canada was no exception. She combined her usual trash talk with the hidden goal of getting to the historic royal wedding.
Addressing the “Economic Club of Toronto,” Michelle deviated from her usual Trump bashing shtick and went into overdrive, kissing up to the Queen of England at every opportunity, and criticizing POTUS Trump whenever possible. Michelle really wanted that wedding invite.
According to Page Six, Michelle took the opportunity to make fun of President Trump then immediately gushed over the queen. Both conversation deviations had no place in an event like this, but for calculated Michelle, it has a passive-aggressive purpose of saying that Trump wasn’t fit for her guest list, but since she loves the Queen so much, she should get a spot.
“After being introduced by Canada’s first lady, Sophie Trudeau, Obama told the crowd that it is ‘never a good idea’ to put your first thought in the morning on social media, and never a good idea to ‘tweet from bed,’ which appears to be one of the president’s favorite pastimes, presuming that he is actually in bed when he tweets at 3 a.m,” Page Six reported.
“Going on about effective communication, and the importance of doing drafts, Obama went on, ‘Then you need to edit and spell-check it.’ The 45-minute conversation, hosted by the Economic Club of Toronto, flowed into a bunch of amusing side stories, including her memories of being awestruck when meeting Queen Elizabeth of England.”
“’What do you do with the Queen? I touched her. She touched me first,’ she said, adding that her dream dinner guest would be Jesus, whom she’d serve pizza.”
It’s well known that the respect, proper etiquette, and holding a high-level of decorum is important to the Royal Family and by painting a picture that Trump is an impetuous buffoon who can’t control himself, Michelle thought she was making him look like a bad person to have at the wedding.
However, the bigger motive in her comments was to cover up her actual faux-pas with the Queen when, not surprisingly, brash Michelle showed a complete lack of respect and protocol when she got a little too touchy. The moment she bullied her way into a hug and pushed the Queen toward a chair was the moment Queen Elizabeth decided there was to be no place for Michelle or Barack Obama at the wedding, The Guardian previously reported.
The Queen felt so grossly disrespected by Michelle that she royally snubbed the former first lady after the touchy-feely offense.
When she flew into London with her mother and daughters in tow, expecting an audience with Queen Elizabeth, she received a big slap-in-the-face instead, the Globe reported. Instead of spending the day with Michelle and her family who flew in to meet with her, the Queen ditched her and went off the horse races instead.
Michelle may think she’s royalty and even try to act like it, but she’s got nothing on the actual Queen of England who is the real deal and put her in her place. The Queen does what she wants and by kicking desperate Michelle Obama off the guest list, and extending an invitation to the real POTUS and FLOTUS instead, she showed she is no-one’s fool.

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