All HELL Breaks Loose At WH As Trump Uncovers Obama’s Covert Order To Agents To Take Out His Entire Family

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Obama has finally left the White House, but we can’t say the same for his spies that are still hiding inside of it.
It is believed that the ex-president has  his “secret government”  that includes around 30 people who are infiltrated in Trump’s administration as his “secret agents”. Their job is simple- to give confident information to Obama and the liberal media.
Even though Trump has been careful with who he trusts, he never expected for his top military general to be one of Obama’s spies. Thanks to the CIA, Trump found out that his trusted adviser was illegally transmitting information to Obama for several months.
Ever since Trump walked into the White House, Obama is restlessly trying to take him down with his operatives hidden into the government.
The first thing that he did was implanting Dina Habib Powell as Trump’s Deputy National Security Adviser, but her intentions were shortly discovered.
Not only that she was a Muslim but she was also friends with Hillary Clinton and Obama’s former advisor Valerie Jarret who was Muslim as well. After finding out that Powell was giving information to the liberal media and that she was another one of Obama’s pawns , Trump immediately fired her.
After this event, Trump has been nothing but careful when it comes to choosing his staff, but as we are finding out,  it turns out that his National Security Advisor General H.R.McMaster was also an Obama operative. McMaster was sharing confidential information with Obama and he also authorized illegal surveillance on the President.
This was uncovered thanks to the CIA agent John R. Maguire. In a recent operation it was revealed that McMaster had put surveillance on Trump and his family, but on Steve Bannon as well. According to Maguire, McMaster was using a burner-cell to provide Obama materials against Trump and it is proved that he was also sending the same information to George Soros.
The Intercept cited:
“Maguire told at least two people that National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster, in coordination with a top official at the National Security Agency, authorized surveillance of Steven Bannon and Trump family members, including Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump.
Adding to these unsubstantiated claims, Maguire told the potential donors he also had evidence H.R. McMaster used a burner phone to send information gathered through the surveillance to a facility in Cyprus owned by George Soros.”
As  The Gateway Pundit reported Trump had enough of the traitors in his government, and he will engage Eric Prince and John R. Maguire to help him “provide CIA Director Mike Pompeo and the White House with a global, private spy network that would go around the U.S.’s official SWAMP-INFESTED intelligence agencies,”
Obama’s secret government will come to an end after Trump launches his private spy network. The FBI and CIA became corrupted while Obama was on the presidential seat, and now it’s time for Trump to  cut out the infiltrators and continue his work without Obama’s pawns interfering.
Obama was U.S. President for 8 years, so he should be aware that what he does is a serious federal crime. He’s out from the White House for a full year and he still manages to do damage to our country through his spies such as McMaster who will soon be punished for what the damage that he has done!
Don’t you think that America has had enough of these traitors? Tell us your opinion by sharing this story.

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