President Trump Threatens Liberal Elite On Saudi Arabia Trip

President Donald Trump was in rare form as Air Force One landed in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Trump addressed the press pool and his staffers on the plane, making it clear what he excepted from every one of them.
Remembering the horrible optics of the “Barack Obama bow,” Trump threatened in harsh terms that any American caught bowing would get a nasty surprise that shocked them all. You’re going to love this.
President Trump was just landing in Saudi Arabia when he shocked the mainstream media and staffers on board. Trump’s trip to Saudi Arabia is risky.
Trump knows that America is seen as weak and feckless after eight years of the Obama administration. Former President Barack Obama’s lovefest with Iran further destabilized the Middle East, and Trump knows, for this trip to be successful, he must show zero weakness.
Liberals were badly mistaken to think Trump’s tough stance on Islamic terrorism would cause the Muslim world to treat him with no respect. In fact, it’s proving just the opposite. Trump showed his strength, and when you’re dealing with those Muslim countries, they only respond to strength.
Fox News’ Senior White House Correspondent was one of the reporters on hand for the ceremony, and he set the record straight.

Last words from @POTUS before deplaning Air Force One: "I catch one American bowing here and you're on the next Saudia flight home"...
Those snakes in the media can’t help it. They can’t stand that Trump has been able to pull off something Obama never could.
Obama thought bowing down to Islam and apologizing to the Middle Eastern countries would create some great alliances with them. Instead, he sparked the Islamic State and emboldened Iran with his nuclear deal. He failed to understand that fawning over them only created a profound disrespect for America.
Trump doesn’t apologize to them nor does he bow. He went to Saudi Arabia to reset the alliance with those in the Middle East who hate our common enemies, Iran and Islamic terrorists.
Trump said in his speech, “drive them [Islamic terrorists] out of the mosques,” right to the faces of those Muslim leaders.
We can stand tall today as Americans. Trump has gotten back our respect and made it clear that the United States of America is the world’s superpower, and we are through apologizing to anyone for anything.

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