Pissed Off Pence Just Showed Rude World Leader At Olympics Who’s REALLY The Boss

The liberals and the mainstream media are constantly trying to ruin President Trump’s reputation.
They always criticize everything the Trump Administration does.
Now, they are criticizing something that happened between Vice President Mike Pence and the North Korean delegation at the Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, South Korea.

The Vice President Mike Pence decided not to shake hands with his North Korean murderous regime. And he sent a powerful message that the Trump Administration is not going to put up with the bullies who threatened our nation, torturing their people and who’s leader murders his own family members.
According to our source, Freedom Daily, despite all the hate the liberals are throwing at him, he did the correct thing by not acknowledging a nation which is keeping the world on the verge of what is considered to be a nuclear threat against the west coast of the United States, Japan, South Korea and Hawaii.
Pence sat stone-faced in his seat as Moon and North Koreans officials stood together with much of the stadium to applaud their team of athletes. White House officials stressed that the Vice President had applauded only for the American team, but Asia experts said that his refusal to stand could be seen as disrespectful for the hosts.
“The Koreans will think it’s a mood kill,” said Frank Jannuzi, an expert on East Asia at the Mansfield Foundation in Washington. He criticized the Trump Administration for straining too hard to signal disgust of Kim Jong Un’s government.
So Pence went around the table and greeted/shook hands with everyone - except North Korea’s Kim Yong Nam, who was sitting between the UN sec-gen Guterres and IOC chairman Bach
Yeah, cause there is nothing ruder than refusing to shake hands with a murdering regime who wants to wipe the US off the face of the earth!
The grievances that the world has about North Korea are very legitimate. But the Olympic moment that President Moon is trying to generate here is not a time to nurse those grievances, Jannuzi said. It’s a time to focus on messages of reconciliation and peace.
Even though South Korea support President Donald Trump’s campaign of “maximum pressure” against North Korea, Moon has been keen to use the Olympics to open the door to better relations with its adversary.

It’s not a complete disaster, said James Schoff, former senior Pentagon adviser for East Asia policy, who supported Pence’s moves to meet with North Korean defectors, paying respect at a memorial to 46 South Korean sailors killed in a 2010 torpedo attack blamed on the North. The fact that’s become the narrative is due in part to things that he’s said and his body language, Schoff said

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