Reporter Asked Sarah Sanders About DACA Decision, What She Said Next BLEW The Room Up

President Donald Trump made no mistake when he chose Sarah Huckabee Sanders as the White House Press Secretary.

And she really loves her job and takes it very seriously.

She knows how to slam all the anti-Trump reporters who try to ruin Trump’s reputation.

This week, the Press Secretary answered the questions on DACA at a press briefing and she made one point very clear. “It’s not cold-hearted for the President to uphold the law!” She said that President Donald Trump’s decision to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) policy with a six-month period allowing Congress the option of acting is not cold-hearted.
According to our source, Liberty Writers, after Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced that the administration wanted an orderly wind down, Sanders said that Congress should do their job while defending the President’s compassion.
“It’s not cold-hearted for the president to uphold the law. We’re a nation of law and order and the day we start to ignore the fact that we are that, then we throw away everything that gives these people a reason to want to come to our country,” Sanders said on Tuesday. “If we stop becoming the country that we were envisioned to be, then we throw away what makes us special, which makes America unique. This president is not willing to do that — the previous administration was — this one isn’t.”
She continued, But we want to have real solutions. We want to have laws that address these problems, but it’s Congress’s job to legislate, not the President.

We actually want to uphold the Constitution, and the people across the United States should be celebrating the fact that they have Donald Trump, a President that is standing up and upholding the Constitution as he was elected to do.


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