Donald Trump 'to cancel Guantanamo Bay closure' and 'load it up with bad dudes'

Donald Trump is set to reverse an order by former President Barack Obama to close Guantanamo Bay, it has been claimed.

The notorious military prison holds suspected terrorists but has attracted fierce criticism from human rights groups.

During his time in office, President Obama signed an executive order for Guantanamo to be closed "as soon as practicable".

In practice, he wasn't able to end the facility entirely due to opposition from US Congress.
But hundreds of prisoners were moved to the mainland and just 41 remain.
During his presidential campaign, Donald Trump made clear his support for Guantanamo and said he wanted to "load it up with bad dudes".
According to Politico, he now intends to come good on that promise and will start by signing an executive order reversing the Obama mandate.

He is expected to make the announcement during the State of the Union address on Tuesday or perhaps before, the reports claim.

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