Trump’s ICE Director Wants To Lock Up California Gov. Jerry Brown Over Sanctuary Cities

During an interview with Fox News, acting ICE director Thomas Homan declared that “it’s time to start arresting politicians in sanctuary cities and charging them with crimes.”
Homan told host Neil Cavuto that political leaders in sanctuary cities, which don’t cooperate with ICE officials looking to make immigration arrests, are “breaking the law.”
“That is a violation of 8 USC 1324. That’s an alien-smuggling statute. I’ve asked the Department of Justice to look at this,” he said. “Can we hold them accountable? Are they violating federal law?”
Pressed by Cavuto on what he’d do if the Justice Department decides that federal law is being violated, Homan suggested that politicians be held “personally accountable.”
“We’ve got to take these sanctuary cities on. We’ve got to take them to court and we’ve got to start charging some of these politicians with crimes.”
And Homan, who has called sanctuary cities “un-American,” appears to want California governor Jerry Brown locked up first
In October, Brown signed a bill making California the nation’s first “sanctuary state.” The law, which went into effect on January 1, “bars law enforcement officers in the state from arresting individuals based on civil immigration warrants, asking about a person’s immigration status or participating in any joint task force with federal officials for the purpose of enforcing immigration laws,” according to the San Francisco Chronicle.
The state of California better hold on tight,” he told Cavuto. “More citizens are going to die because of these policies.
Brown, however, thinks different. In a signing statement, Brown wrote that the law “will protect public safety, while bringing a measure of comfort to those families who are now living in fear every day.”


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