POLL: No More Aid to Pakistan - Do You Agree With Trump?

President Donald Trump didn’t let his New Year’s Eve celebrations get in the way of his presidential role on New Year’s Day. Posting to Twitter at 7am, Trump clearly expressed how he felt about Islamabad’s less-than-adequate efforts to fight terrorism. But that isn’t the best part.
He stated that U.S. foreign aid will be terminated as a result of this behavior. There is very little detail as to how this termination will take effect, but here are some possible results should it happen.

Via Breitbart: If the complete termination of U.S. foreign aid does indeed become official policy, it would be a far more dramatic step than withholding all or part of America’s $255 million in military assistance to Pakistan, a measure reportedly under consideration by the administration over the past few days after Pakistan refused to allow U.S. interrogators access to a captured terrorist from the hostage-taking Haqqani network.
It seems President Trump wanted a “change in our approach to Pakistan,” back in August where he said the “next pillar” of his strategy for battling terrorism would be to target their relations with the nation; which has given “safe haven to agents of chaos, violence, and terror

We can no longer be silent about Pakistan’s safe havens for terrorist organizations, the Taliban and other groups that pose a threat to the region and beyond,” the president said. ”These killers need to know they have nowhere to hide – that no place is beyond the reach of American arms.”
I couldn’t agree more. I’ve been fighting to end aid to Pakistan for years and will again lead the charge in the Senate. Let’s make this happen foxnews.com/politics/2012/

The Trump administration withheld $50 million in military aid to Pakistan over the summer because it felt Islamabad was not doing enough to bring down the Taliban and the Haqqani Network. There was some criticism at the time that despite his strong complaints about Pakistan refusing to help fight the Taliban or even actively colluding with it, Trump was dealing more harshly with Egypt over human rights violations by its government.
On Thursday, Pakistani military spokesman Major-General Asif Ghafoor warned the United States against taking “unilateral” military action on its soil and denied his country was not doing enough to fight the Taliban and its allies, promising that the results of Pakistan’s counterterrorism operations would be “seen in subsequent years and months.”

After making this declaration, Ghafoor implied Pakistan could actually do more, once its concerns about Afghan refugees are addressed. “If there are any facilitators and abetters inside Pakistan that can only be addressed if the 2.7 million Afghan refugees are sent back to Afghanistan,” he said.

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